About Me

Hey! I’m Philippe. I am a great fan of the outdoors and cooking. Through this blog, I thought of combining the two by proposing creative recipes that primarily can be made with wild ingredients. However, I wanted to go even further and propose ingredient substitutions in all my recipes so people who do not fish, hunt or pick can enjoy the recipes. The substitutions are giving you ideas of ingredients you can “catch” at your grocery store to make those delicious recipes. Also, it happens often that we are not successful in our harvest. Therefore, on the way home, just grab the necessary ingredients at your local store

For as long as I remember, I have been passionate with cooking and fishing. I owe these passions to my family who have been able to incorporate the two elements in my education. After I finished my collegiate swimming career, I started to hunt and harvest wild edibles. Through these activities, I feel like I am more involved into the food I eat every day.

Outside of this blog, I am an civil engineer who is pursuing a doctorate degree at the University of Ottawa. Although I don’t swim anymore, I am a fan of any sports and keeping my body healthy through natural food.

And finally, I am an outdoorsman. Therefore, I like to hear your stories and see your pictures of your cooks and catches. Don’t hesitate to share them with me on my instagram Instagram or leave a comment on the blog!